Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Hey everyone. I went to part of a baseball tournament at Spring Lake Park and took the last two photos there. The first three photos are of kids and teenagers practicing pitching and catching. They ranged in age from 4-16. There was a man there that was formally a coach. And he said that he coaches for free to help them learn baseball skills. So, I stepped inside the fence where they were and took quite a bit of photos. Baseball is not my favorite. It's hard to photograph at the exact moment that it would take to be a great photo. I didn't get any of those, I think. Let me know what you all think. 


Greg Pearson said...

You cant go wrong with the kiddies. I like the shot of the catcher.

JDGraficARt said...

Its good to get photos of all kinds of ages of people that take part in sports. I shows you that there is artistic styles in photos no matter what it is. I think you did pretty good on the ones you did. I too though the catcher was pretty cool too, I sort of reminded me of all the gear that a goalie wears.

Shane Bevel said...

Like greg, I like the photo of the catcher. He's too funny with all that gear on.