Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Harry Gruyaert

This one with the man and the card deals with a revolt of going into the service and thought that may stand for something that happened imfortant in the 60's and 70's

I decided to also do Harry Gruyaert because he seemed to take picures of photos of things that he saw on television. But he got the aspect where there was a blend of colors. It made each one of his photos unique in an artistic way The photos I took were from old movies called The Boy in the Plastic Bubble and Katheren.....These were from back in the year so they kind of gave me the old feel to it. Which caught my interest was the uniqe pattern given from the screen.


Terri Contrary said...

The TV thing is really a different concept for me. I might have to try it some time.
You didn't get any "white noise phenomenon" did you?
I liked your subjects because they're political and reflect an age other than our own. TV is one of our prime links with historic images. Great job.

Cristy said...

Hi Jeremy!
These shots are cool. Did you think about maybe going to a store where there are walls of TV's or trying to find a TV with waning color?

Shane Bevel said...

Nice twist to the effort here Cristy.

The images of the burning of the draft card are not only historic, but also important to realize the connection between the Vietnam war and the first was that was really broadcast on tv nightly. TV had a real effect on how the nation felt about wars.

Good job Jeremy.