Reflection of the football
Hi guys, I decided to imitate the magnum photographer, Sergio Larrain. I was interested in his style, especially his use of reflections in photos. His use of reflections adds depth and creates more layers in the pictures, which seems to draw in the viewer. Though he used mirrors to capture reflections, and I used water (though not as well), I still feel it captures his clean lines and multi-layered style. He also had a street shots with a shoe, which is why I choose to shoot on the red brick road with a random heel.
Reflections were very cool. You can tell twice the picture with a good reflection in one shot. I liked the emotion these evoked. The football picture was great.
Hello!! I LOVE the first picture with the shoe. The colors were awesome and the leading lines just pull you into the picture.
I love the high heel picture. That's one of my favorites from everybody's. I also like the reflection of the tree in the water. Even though it looked dreary outside, you used that as an advantage, and got some great photos. Good job!!
Certainly some feel in the lighting and color here isnt there? The one thing that your classmates left out is the shallow depth of field and how it allows the reader to be drawn into your subject. Nice work.
Hey Cristy,
I thought your pictures were really good you used all the elements we have been learning in class, so great job girl!
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